Child & Family Services
Services > Child & Family Services
Milemarkers offers Supervised Visitations, Family Connections Consultants, and Nurturing Parent Program Practitioner services upon request from the Department of Child Safety. We coach families to build positive family relationships. We provide role-modeling, support, and education in developing parenting skills, communication skills, and stress management. We are dedicated to supporting each family in their time of need.
Milemarkers arranges transports and supervises visitations between the children placed in foster care, their parents, siblings and/or significant others to promote a continued relationship. We also provide education to parents on how to access emergency assistance, supports, and community resources and assist families with goal setting, planning, and other activities related to home management tasks.
DCS Department Overview: As a division of Milemarkers, Inc., this department works directly with The Department of Child Safety (DCS) through the state of Arizona to uphold court orders for visitation, and specialized programs through Family Connections and Nurturing Parenting.
SVO and Parenting Time: This program is offered through the DCS office at Milemarkers and is Parenting Time/Supervised Visitation. Our staff contracts directly with DCS and the state to ensure that the court ordered supervised visitation is completed with fidelity to satisfy the requirements of the court order for all parties. In addition to court ordered supervision, the DCS office at Milemarkers also offers supervision through a cash pay option. Clients can contact Milemarkers directly to schedule supervised visitation with a case aide and pay an hourly rate for our services. The same level of confidentiality and documentation occurs with both DCS contracted supervised visits and cash pay visits.
Family Connections (FC): Family Connections is a contracted program through DCS that empowers referred families to make changes in their lives by addressing emergency and concrete needs in order to actively participate in scheduled DCS programs. At Milemarkers, our Family Connections Consultants (FCCs) create and facilitate a comprehensive family assessment with change focused interventions. These processes are completed to increase the family’s protective factors, which in turn helps them meet either the conditions of return if their children are living outside of the family home, or their family’s needs overall with appropriate community supports to help ensure that everyone’s needs are being met with regularity. Family connections can serve families with both direct, in-home DCS case management through a court-ordered plan or families receiving in-home case management where safety is not a concern as well as many variations of support in between.
Substance Exposed Newborn Safe Environment (SENSE): Services for families referred after the birth of a substance-exposed newborn. A collaborative team approach to working with families side-by-side to accomplish identified behavioral changes. Utilizing a SENSE Registered Nurse to assess and evaluate the overall development and health of the infant.
Nurturing Parenting Program(NPP): Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) is a contracted program through DCS that allows our Milemarkers employees to work with referred families to build or increase their nurturing parenting skills. This is a curriculum-based program that focuses on trauma-informed parenting skills as well as education and coaching for parents. Using assessments and inquiry, the NPP will develop a Family Nurturing Plan with the parent(s). Through parenting sessions and active observations, the NPP will work with the parent(s) to increase, enhance and become more self-aware of their parenting skills.
If you have a child in the foster program and are requiring visitations or education please contact the Department of Child Safety to make arrangements for your visitations. We also offer cash pay rates for families seeking supervision.