Work Services
Services > Work Services
Group Supported Employment (GSE)
This service provides long-term, ongoing support services for an employed individual. GSE provides members with an on-site supervised work environment in a community employment setting. Members are paid by Milemarkers for work performed in accordance with State and Federal law. Members work in a group with a job coach on one of Milemarkers contracted locations to provide services such as landscape maintenance, janitorial services, restaurant services or laundry services.

Transition to Employment (TTE)
This program provides extra training and or education to members who have graduated high school or who will soon be graduating high school and getting jobs. The transition training is a curriculum based program providing pre-employment knowledge and skills to help students and young adults transition into a work setting and to help individuals realize vocational goals after exiting school. This program provides an understanding of the workforce culture and allows individuals with developmental disabilities to gain non-task related skills and behaviors that will help them in adult life, after school ends.
Center Based Employment
This service provides members a healthy, safe, and supervised work environment. Milemarkers pays members in accordance with State & Federal law for work the members perform in a sheltered workshop or in the community. Work can include paper shredding, bulk mailing or clerical.

Individual Supported Employment
This time-limited service provides regular contacts at an individual job site with the employed member and/or with the employer. This service is intended to help the member develop the specific on-the-job skills necessary for successful employment and may also include job search when such services are not available through the Rehabilitation Services Administration/ Vocational Rehabilitation program.