Milemarkers provides Pediatric Music Therapy, Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Physical Therapy, and Pediatric Speech Therapy Services, After School Program (DTT), Adult Day Program (DTA), Work Services Program, Habilitation Program, Supervised Visits, Family Connections Program & Nurturing Parent Program.
We pride ourselves on close family relationships that promote socialization, development, and community integration. #MilemarkersFUN

Speech Therapy
Disorders like Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Dysarthria, Speech Sound Disorders, Stuttering, and language-based learning difficulties can be medically concerning problems. Addressing speech and language disorders in early childhood can be crucial to establishing foundational communication skills before school.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a service that addresses everyday life. Examples of an individual’s occupations include playing, participating in school activities/social groups/extracurricular activities, employment, completing self-cares (brushing teeth, dressing, making a snack), and being part of a family unit or friend group.

Physical Therapy
Our physical therapist works with children and their families to assist each child in reaching their maximum potential to function independently and to promote active participation in home, school, and community environments while supporting them in areas of gross motor development and motor planning.

Music Therapy
Music therapy is the therapeutic use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. It employs a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery in order to achieve a member's goals.

DCS Programs
Milemarkers offers Supervised Visitations, Family Connections Consultants, and Nurturing Parent Program Practitioner services upon request from the Department of Child Safety. We coach families to build positive family relationships.

After School Program
After School Program in which skilled habilitation staff works in a small group with your child. Our staff is experienced in working with children with special needs. We work on specific goals set for your child’s needs and creating strategies to help your child accomplish them.

Our habilitation program offers group support with the focus on helping individuals improve their everyday lives by working on daily life skills within their homes or community. We work closely with the family and treating therapists to work towards client-centered goals.

Work Services
Our Employment program allows our young adults to gain training and job experience in a setting that is selected based on their interests and abilities. All levels are supported with a Milemarkers Job Coach who works closely with the member,and their support system, thus ensuring the best possible support for the member's success.

Adult Day Program
Our Adult Day Program (DTA) is open to individuals with disabilities ages 18 and up. Our goal is to help individuals learn the life skills necessary to be active members of the community in which they live and work.
Please take a look at our Therapist created Developmental Milestone chart.
If your child is at or above the ages listed, it is time to talk with their healthcare provider about a referral for pediatric therapy.